What We Do
![Helping Our Community Navigate the CFS System](/wp-content/uploads/Group-Photo-Teepee.jpg)
Asubpeeschoseewagong Aankaanotamage’win supports everyone in the Grassy Narrows community to enjoy mino bimaatiziiwin (a good Anishinaabe life).
We often work as a bridge between CFS and families. Dealing with CFS can be scary and confusing, but we explain how the system works, and help our clients deal with it. Our goal is to bring families back together, and to ensure everyone is healthy and safe. This can be a long and difficult journey, but we are a safe space.
Caregiving can be stressful. Sometimes our clients just need someone to listen. Maybe a family is headed down the wrong path, and they don’t know how to fix things. We can help with parenting and household skills, employment and housing, and positive, productive habits. Our aim is to help families become and remain happy and healthy.
Another focus for Asubpeeschoseewagong Aankaanotamage’win is legal proceedings, policy, legislation and long-term strategy that will protect our children and families. This can include:
- representation in child welfare court proceedings
- case planning
- collaboration with Chief & Council
- collaboration with outside agencies
- initiatives to alleviate poverty
- protocol & policy development
- jurisdiction initiatives for children and families
- accompanying CAS on child protection investigations
Available Services
We approach each family and client with an open heart to assess their current situation and determine what all family members need for their holistic health.
We connect clients to in-community services whenever possible to support mental, emotional, physical and spiritual wellness. When necessary, we can recommend support outside of the community, too.
We guide clients as they create a holistic plan for their family for now, and into the future. This looks different for everyone, but it could include any of the following:
- life skills (budgeting, cooking, cleaning, etc.)
- parenting skills (communication, conflict management, etc)
- counselling for families, couples, Elders, grief & loss, trauma, etc
- support for families of MMIWG
- support for special needs children & their families
- respite for caregivers
- repatriation to bring children home
- home visits
- transportation for family visits
- support for parents in court
- finding local placements for children
- preventing children from going into care
- immediate family needs
- emergency escape from violence
- safety planning
- addictions support & treatment
- referrals to other resources
- assistance with entitlements (disability, mercury, day school & 60’s Scoop, etc)
- housing & employment assistance
- smudging
- cultural camp
- traditional fishing, hunting & harvesting
- beading & drum-making
- Elders’ gatherings
- land-based teachings
- ceremonies for naming, reunification, colours, seasons & more
- Ojibway/Anishinaabemowin language teachings